Teknosavo renewed ChipSmart™ 3D
The only automated and real-time wood chip surveillance
Teknosavo has renewed the ChipSmart™ 3D chip quality surveillance device by expanding its analysis range. Fully automated analysis can be connected to the WoodSmart™ debarking optimization system, enabling real-time chip quality evaluation. With new features, the quality of wood as raw material and itspotential can be optimized to the peak.
State of the art -technology to analyze chips in real time
The ChipSmart™ unit combines highly accurate camera optics and a comprehensive analysis software that applies articial intelligence. The automatic sampler captures the chip sample from the main stream, after which the device analyzes its quality. Also manual samples can be analyzed any time when the equipment is running. The versatile ChipSmart 3D analysis tells a lot about chips – their individual dimensions, SCAN-CM 40 standard size distribution and thickness, length and width, bark and moisture content, as well as the ISO-brightness of the chips. In addition, as a new feature, the device recognizes the direction of wood bers and quality of cutting edges of chips. The data is directed to the WoodSmart™ optimization system, which compiles real-time information of the total wood debarking and chipping process.
Controlling leads to better end products and productivity
The information from the chip analysis can help quality control in many ways. The WoodSmart™ optimization system combined with chip analysis can be used to monitoring e.g. trend of pin chips and nes, amount of accept and direct quality of cutting edge of chip. Direct chip quality monitoring indicates condition of chipper blades and counter blades. With online information, wood loss can be reduced while the need for manual work also decreases. Also, the quantity of chemicals needed for pulping process can be optimized when chip properties are known in advance. The homogeneous process provides direct savings of raw material, chemicals, energy and labor costs.
„The quality of wood delivered as raw material also has greater importance to the whole process. Fresh and healthy wood is the best raw material, that can be utilized maximally by using optimized process. It is clear that our customers will be able to get more power from quality control and improve the quality of chips with the renewed ChipSmart™“, says Teknosavo’s CEO Hannu Hämäläinen.
ChipSmart™ can be installed on both new and existing barking lines. The device is always implemented to suit the needs and process of the customer.